July, 29 2011 : From: Publibz Builder
EXEC Statement
The program needed to execute TSO/E commands from the background is a terminal monitor program (TMP), which may be one of the following: IKJEFT01, IKJEFT1A, or IKJEFT1B. The EXEC (execute) statement is used to execute program IKJEFT01 or the alternate programs IKJEFT1A and IKJEFT1B. The format is://stepname EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01,DYNAMNBR=nn,PARM='command'Note: The TSO/E terminal monitor program must not run as a V=R program. Executing the TMP as V=R will cause unpredictable results.
- stepname is optional and can be used as a step identifier in programs consisting of more than one step.
- EXEC is the JCL term that identifies this type of statement.
- PGM= specifies the module being executed. In addition to IKJEFT01, there are two other entry points available for background execution that provide additional return code and abend support. The differences among the three entry points are:
- When a command completes with a non-zero return code, the program goes to the next command. When a command abends, the step ends with a condition code of 12 (X'C').
- If a command or program being processed by IKJEFT1A ends with a system abend, IKJEFT1A causes the job step to terminate with a X'04C' system completion code. IKJEFT1A also returns to the caller the completion code from the command or program in register 15.
- If a command or program being processed by IKJEFT1A ends with a user abend, IKJEFT1A saves the completion code in register 15 and then terminates.
- If a command, program or REXX exec being processed by IKJEFT1A returns a non-zero return code to IKJEFT1A, IKJEFT1A saves this return code in register 15 and then terminates. Non-zero return codes to IKJEFT1A from CLISTs will not affect the contents of register 15 and the TMP will continue processing.
- For a non-zero return code or an abend from a command or program that was not given control directly by IKJEFT1A, no return code is saved in register 15, and IKJEFT1A does not terminate.
- If a command or program being processed by IKJEFT1B ends with a system or user abend, IKJEFT1B causes the job step to terminate with a X'04C' system completion code. IKJEFT1B also returns to the caller the completion code from the command or program in register 15.
- If a command, program, CLIST, or REXX exec being processed by IKJEFT1B returns a non-zero return code to IKJEFT1B, IKJEFT1B saves this return code in register 15 and then terminates.
- For a non-zero return code or abend completion code from a program or command that was not given control by IKJEFT1B, no return code is saved in register 15, and IKJEFT1B does not terminate.
CICS Performance Analyzer
Use the Take-up facility to easily define CICS systems and SMF data files to CICS PA
Maintain system definitions
Define Report Sets to request reports and extracts from our defined systems and files
Submit report requests to run in batch
View report output
Tailor reports using Report Forms
Filter the data using selection criteria and Object Lists
CICS PA for z/OS helps you tune, manage, and plan your CICS systems effectively. It is a
reporting tool that provides about the performance of your CICS systems and applications.
It 2-1 shows an overview of CICS PA operation.
- CICS PA helps you to analyze all aspects of your CICS systems, including:
- CICS application performance
- CICS system resource usage
- Cross-system performance, including multi-region operation (MRO) and advanced program-to-program communication (APPC)
- Transaction groups, including CICS Web Support, Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP),
- external call interface (ECI) over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
- CICS Business Transaction Services (BTS)
- MVS Workload Manager (WLM)
- Exception events that cause performance degradation
- Transaction file and temporary storage usage
- External subsystems, including DB2, IMS (database control (DBCTL)), and WebSphere MQ
- System Logger performance
CICS PA also provides a Historical Database facility to help you manage the performance
data for your CICS transactions.
CICS PA provides an ISPF-based menu-driven screen that helps you to create, maintain, and
submit Report Sets for batch processing. A Report Set allows you to define a set of report
and extract requests to run as a one-step job with one pass of the input data. You can define
any number of Report Sets. You can also include any number of reports and extracts in a
single Report Set. Plus, you can select report categories or individual reports for submission
independent of the Report Set.
You can use Report Forms to tailor the format and content of reports and extracts. Specify
selection criteria to filter the data on the value of particular fields. Object Lists provide a
convenient way to specify lists of values under Selection Criteria.
CICS PA produces reports and extracts using data normally collected by your system in MVS
SMF data sets. This includes:
_ CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) performance class, exception class, and transaction
resource class data written as SMF type 110 records
_ DB2 accounting data written as SMF type 101 records
_ WebSphere MQ accounting data written as SMF type 116 records
_ MVS System Logger data written as SMF type 88 records
The System Definitions facility allows you to define the systems, SMF data files and groups
for reporting on. A Take-up facility is provided.
CICS PA can process Record Selection and Cross-System Work extract data sets in a similar
way to the SMF data sets.
Export data sets contain extracts of CMF performance data that is suitable for further analysis
and graphing by your favorite database or spreadsheet tools.
The HDB Register is an inventory of all information associated with the Historical Database
Manager. HDBs save performance data in data sets that are managed from the screen. You
can run reports on your HDB or export the HDB data to DB2 tables. Report Forms can be
used to control the format and content of the reports. You can specify selection criteria to filter
the data that is reported or exported.
There are two types of HDBs:
_ List HDB data set: One record represents one transaction. Typically, List HDBs are used
to analyze recent transaction events. Data is usually only required for a short period of
_ Summary HDB data set: One record represents a summary of transaction activity over a
user-specified time interval. Typically, Summary HDBs are used for long-term trend
analysis and capacity planning. Data is retained for a longer period of time, sometimes
Preparing the SMF data for CICS PA
CICS PA processes non-active SMF data sets. There is no special preparation required for
CICS PA other than to dump the active SMF data sets at an appropriate time.
CICS and other subsystems, such as DB2, WebSphere MQ, and the MVS System Logger,
write their SMF records to the active SMF data set. In order for CICS PA to work with the
inactive copy of this data, you need to perform several steps.
In a CICS region to ensure that all the current SMF data is available, you may need to flush
the buffers within CICS that hold any SMF data. You can do this by turning off and on
performance monitoring, using the CEMT SET MONITOR command. You only need to flush
the buffers when the CICS region is not shut down.
After all the SMF data from the CICS region is on the active SMF data set, you need to dump
this data to an inactive SMF data set. First you switch the recording of SMF data from one
data set to another. All SMF data in storage is written out before the transfer is made. This
switch is performed by issuing the /I SMF operator command. The switch of SMF data sets
takes place automatically when the active SMF data set becomes full.
To dump the SMF data set, the SMF dump program (IFASMFDP) is provided. This program
transfers the contents of the active SMF data set to an output data set. Then it resets the
status of the dumped data set to empty so that SMF can use it again for recording data. CICS
PA uses this output data set as the input data for its report processing.
Starting CICS PA
The CICS PA screen is invoked when you enter the following command on the ISPF
Command Shell screen (option 6) command line:
CICS PA components The components of the CICS PA dialog are delivered in the following libraries:
SCPALINK Executable load modules
SCPAMSGx ISPF messages
SCPASKLx ISPF skeletons
SCPATBLx ISPF input tables
where x identifies the national language, such as E for U.S. English.
Ex: CPAOREXX command The CICS PA initialization module CPAOREXX accepts four parameters: qual The data set high level qualifier for CICS PA data sets. For example, CICSPA.V1R3M0. Alternatively, specify NODYNAM to tell CICS PA to use the existing allocation settings. lang Identifies the national language. The default is E (U.S. English). Currently, CICS PA only supports U.S. English. PASSAPPL Optional. Overrides the enforcement of the default CICS PA application NEWAPPL(CPAO). CICS PA uses the invoking application’s APPL specification. low level qualifiers Optional. Overrides the default low level qualifiers for the six CICS PA data sets. All six qualifiers must be specified in the correct order, enclosed in brackets and separated by commas.
Installing the CICS PA dialog You can either install the CICS PA libraries statically within your ISPF library setup, or allow them to be set up dynamically when the CICS PA dialog is used. Then you can optionally add CICS PA to an ISPF menu. Dynamic setup is the simplest and quickest approach.
Dynamic setup To enable the CICS PA libraries to be dynamically set up when the CICS PA dialog is invoked, do the following:
1. On the TSO command processor panel, enter: EX 'qual.SCPAEXEC(CPAOREXX)' 'qual lang' For example: EX 'CICSPA.V1R3M0.SCPAEXEC(CPAOREXX)' 'CICSPA.V1R3M0 E'
If the high level qualifier for your CICS PA installation data sets is not CICSPA.V1R3M0, then alter the command accordingly.
2. To add CICS PA to an ISPF menu, set &ZSEL to: CMD(EX ''qual.SCPAEXEC(CPAOREXX)'' ''qual lang'') NOCHECK NOCHECK is specified to support entry of concatenated commands via the direct option (trail). Also specify on the calling panel: &ZTRAIL=.TRAIL
Static setup To install the CICS PA libraries statically within your ISPF library setup, do the following:
1. Include the library qual.SCPAEXEC in your SYSEXEC or SYSPROC concatenation. This library contains the required EXECs. It is allocated with fixed-block 80 record format during installation. You should put these libraries in the SYSEXEC concatenation. However, if you want to put them in SYSPROC, it must have a record length of 80 bytes. Ensure that all libraries contained in your concatenations are either in the same format (F, FB, V, VB) and have the same block size, or are in order of decreasing block sizes. Otherwise, you may experience problems using the CICS PA panels.
2. Add the remaining libraries to your ISPF library setup: v Include the panel library qual.SCPAPNLx in the ISPPLIB concatenation. v Include the skeleton library qual.SCPASKLx in the ISPSLIB concatenation. v Include the link/load module library qual.SCPALINK in the ISPLLIB concatenation. v Include the table library qual.SCPATBLx in the ISPTLIB concatenation. v Include the message library qual.SCPAMSGx in the ISPMLIB concatenation.
3. On the TSO command processor panel, enter: %CPAOREXX 'NODYNAM lang'
4. To add CICS PA to an ISPF menu, set &ZSEL to: CMD(%CPAOREXX ''NODYNAM lang'') NOCHECK
CICS PA Primary Option Menu
Upon entry to the CICS PA screen, you see the CICS PA Primary Option Menu as shown in
It 2-4. If you are using CICS PA for the first time, you can select option 0 (CICS PA
Profile) to review or modify your default profile settings. This is optional because the CICS PA
defaults are sufficient for us to get started. CICS PA allocates new data sets on your behalf
when it needs them to save your report requests.
System definitions
Before you request CICS PA reports, you must first define the CICS systems (generic
APPLIDs) on which you want to report. You also may need to define DB2 subsystems for the
DB2 report, MQ subsystems for the WebSphere MQ report, and MVS System Loggers for the
System Logger report.
System Definitions Menu
The first time that you invoke System Definitions, you see the System Definitions Menu
(It 2-5). From this menu, you can:
_ Define systems, SMF files, and groups on which you want to report.
_ Maintain SMF files for each system, for each MVS system (Image), or for both.
_ Maintain group definitions for reporting purposes.
_ Use the data Take-up facility to extract details of your
Take-Up from SMF
An easy way for us to start is to let CICS PA set up our system definitions by using the
Take-up facility. This facility populates the system and file definitions with details extracted
from SMF files.
Since we selected option 4 on the System Definitions Menu screen, we now see the Data
Take-Up from SMF screen as shown in It 2-6. Specify the details of the SMF file on
which you want to report and then press Enter. CICS PA generates a batch job to extract the
take-up details from the SMF data set.
After the job is submitted, press F3 until you return to the Primary Option Menu. Again select option 1 (System Definitions). You are now prompted by CICS PA to
update your system definitions with the results of the batch job. It 2-7 shows the
message “CICS PA has completed extracting systems from the following SMF File”,
which you receive when the SMF extract is complete.
Press Enter to tell CICS PA to populate your system definitions with the details extracted from
the SMF file. When complete, the System Definitions Menu is displayed with the message
“Take-up was successful”.
Maintain system definitions
We now look at the results of the take-up. From the System Definitions Menu,
select option 1 to display the System Definitions maintenance screen. This is where you
define to CICS PA your CICS Systems (APPLIDs), MVS Images, DB2 and MQ Subsystems,
and MVS System Loggers so that:
_ They can be requested for report and data extract processing
_ The SMF files containing the data can be defined
CICS PA has automatically defined the MVS image, SC66. MVS Image entries are
identifiable by Image in the Type column and the Image column is blank. APPLIDs are listed
with a type of CICS and Image SC66.
You can see that the SMF Files System is the image SC66 for all systems. This means that
files defined to SC66 are available to all systems defined to that Image. Therefore, you only
need to define the files once.
Specifying SMF files is optional. If you do not specify them here, then when it comes time to
submit your report request, CICS PA generates job control language (JCL) with the SMF File
data set names unresolved. You have the option to edit the JCL at that time.
You can define new systems by entering the NEW command on the command line. Consider
the following examples:
MVS image definition
SMF Files for this system
Observe that the SMF data set name listed is the one specified in the take-up job. You can
specify as many files as you want. CICS PA processes them all (unless they are excluded).
We recommend that you specify the files in time sequence (earliest first), since CICS PA
processes them in the order that they are specified. Various line actions are available to help
you do this: I (Insert), R (Repeat), C (Copy), M (Move), and D (Delete).
Deleting a file here only deletes the relationship, not the file itself. Also, you can use the X line
action to exclude an SMF File from report processing. Excluded files are marked with an
asterisk (*) in the Exc column.
To add a file to the list, you can type the data set name directly, or select from a list of
available files by entering line action S or pressing F4 (Prompt) from the data set name field.
Groups this system belongs to
Press F11 to scroll right. More: > is displayed in the top right corner to remind you that there is
more information for this system. A screen like the example is displayed where
you can specify the groups to which this system belongs on the line under Group + and
CICS System definition
To define a CICS System for reporting, you only need to specify the APPLID. All other fields
are optional.
Notice the MVS Image (SMF ID) to which this CICS System (APPLID) belongs. The MVS
Image allows CICS PA to:
_ Distinguish between multiple CICS systems that have the same APPLID but run on
different MVS Images.
_ Share SMF files that contain data for more than one system. By defining the SMF files to
the MVS Image, you need only define your SMF files once.
_ Request reporting by MVS Image. All CICS Systems (APPLIDs) belonging to that MVS
Image are selected.
These other fields may be important to you in the future:
_ MCT: You must specify the monitoring control table (MCT) suffix and MCT load library if
you want to include CMF user fields in your reporting. Otherwise, CICS PA uses the
system default MCT for the version of CICS you are reporting.
_ Dictionary DSN: You can build a data set to contain the CMF dictionary record for those
times when the SMF file does not contain one, so that CICS PA reporting can progress.
CMF uses a dictionary record to map the fields in the CMF performance class records.
CICS writes a dictionary record when CMF starts, but not when SMF switches data sets.
You only need to build a dictionary record if you want to include your CMF user fields (from
user defined EMPs in the MCT) in your reporting. Otherwise, CICS PA uses the default
dictionary record for the version of CICS that you are reporting.
If you want CICS PA to generate the Dictionary record for this CICS system, follow these
a. Specify the Dictionary DSN.
b. Specify the SDFHLOAD Library so that CICS PA can use the DFHMNDUP utility to
generate the Dictionary record.
c. Select Dictionary in the action bar. CICS PA immediately populates the specified data
set with the Dictionary record for this CICS system. If the data set is not cataloged,
CICS PA allocates it before writing the record. If the data set is cataloged, CICS PA
overwrites its contents with the new Dictionary record.
At JCL generation time, CICS PA inserts the cataloged Dictionary DSN in the CPADICTR
DD statement.
Other system definitions: DB2, WebSphere MQ, System Logger
Other systems are identified by their type, such as DB2, MQ, or LOGGER. To define them to
CICS PA, the System Definitions facility is used in a similar way to CICS APPLIDs and MVS
Requesting reports and extracts
To build report and extract requests, select option 2 on the Primary Option Menu.
Creating the Report Sets data set
You are prompted to create the Report Sets data set as shown. This is the data
set in which CICS PA saves your report and extract requests.
Press Enter to create the Report Sets data set. Otherwise, cancel and from the Primary
Options Menu. select option 0.3 (option 0 and then option 3) to
specify the data set name of your choice.
Report Sets
The Report Sets facility defines, maintains, and runs report and extract requests. A Report
Set contains a set of report and extract requests to be submitted and run as a single job. You
can define as many Report Sets as you want. You can also define any number of reports and
extracts in a Report Set. It shows the list of Report Sets, which initially is empty.
Use the NEW command to create your first Report Set. A Report Set is a member in the
Report Sets data set.
Editing the Report Set
You can now start editing your Report Set shown. The list of available reports
and extracts is presented as a tree structure where they are grouped by category. You can
use line action S to expand and collapse the categories to show or hide the items within it.
This is similar to the way some PC tools display folders and their contents. If your terminal
emulation allows, you can set your mouse as a lightpen and then click the + to expand or - to
collapse the category. Alternatively, you can use cursor selection. Position the cursor on the +
or - sign and press Enter.
You can use line action S to select the reports and extracts that you want to edit, and the
global options and selection criteria that you want to apply to them. You can also issue line
actions on report categories and on ** Reports ** at the top of the tree. Enter the / line action
next to an item in the tree to see the list of possible actions.
The selection criteria enables you to filter the CMF data for your reports and extracts using
any field or combination of fields. For example, to include data only for a particular
transaction ID, user ID, or only for a specific period of time.
Select the global options and then select the Performance List report. Type S next to both
options and then press Enter.
Global Options
Note the following points:
_ To specify the systems (and inherently the files) on which you want to report, you can
– A DB2 subsystem ID
– A WebSphere MQ subsystem ID
– An MVS System Logger ID
– An MVS Image ID
– A Group ID
You can type the IDs directly or use Prompt (F4) to select from a list of predefined systems
and groups.
_ You can specify System Selection in one or more of the following ways:
– As a global option on the Global Options screen.
– As a local option on individual report or extract screens. Report-level specifications
take precedence over the global specification.
– As a global option on the Run Report Set screen. The run-time global option overrides
the Report Set global option and optionally the report-level specifications.
– By editing the JCL before submit.
_ Print Lines per Page is the maximum number of report lines to print on each page. The
default is 60. You can also specify this option for individual reports. Report-level
specifications take precedence over the global specification.
_ Date and Time delimiters specify the separator characters for the date and time-of-day in
the reports and extracts. A slash (/) and a colon (:) are the defaults.
_ The Time Zone specifies the number of hours east or west of Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT). For example, to synchronize the CMF and DB2 time stamps, specify Time Zone to
match the time zone of the SMF data. However, if you are correlating DB2 data between
CICS PA and DB2 PM reports, then you may want the CICS PA DB2 time stamps to be
reported in GMT so that they can be more easily matched. If Time Zone is not specified, or
it is set to zero, all times (CMF and DB2) are reported in GMT.
In this case, accept the default global options. Now you can exit or cancel to continue.
Specifying report options
The Performance List report gives the details of every transaction that executed. It shows the screen where the Performance List report options are specified.
The report runs without you specifying any additional options. However, you may want to tailor
it to help your analysis. If you want to specify a particular system that this report applies to,
under System Selection, enter the System name (and optionally Image, Group, or both).
Alternatively, you can select the required system from a list. To do this, position the cursor on
the APPLID field (highlighted in bold) and press F4 (Prompt).
If you decide not to specify the System Selection here, then you can do so when you run your
Report Set and CICS PA prompts you.
Two important report options that we discuss later are the report format and selection criteria.
They allow you to tailor the fields that appear in your reports and filter the data that is
Exit to save your new report request.
Reports list
After you exit from the report, the Reports list is presented You can define as
many reports of the same type in a Report Set as you want.
You can use line action I (Insert) to define a new Performance List report, D to delete a report,
or X to exclude it from reporting. When you finish defining your Performance List reports, exit
to save the reports and return to the main Report Set edit screen.
Running your reports
You must enter a SAVE command, select File->Save from the action bar, or press F3 (Exit) to
save your Report Set definition in the Report Set data and exit. However, you do not need to
save your Report Set before you run it.
To run the Report Set, enter the RUN command in the command line or select File->Run
from the action bar. Alternatively, you can run individual reports or report categories by
entering the RUN line action next to the particular ones that you want to run. It
shows both methods.
Active status
Looking at the Report Set, you can see that the Performance List report and
the Performance Reports category are active. Observe also that the Global Options are
automatically activated by CICS PA when there is at least one active report or extract.
The Active status controls which reports in the Report Set are run when you submit a RUN
request. When you enter RUN in the command line to run the Report Set, only active reports
within active categories are selected for JCL generation. You can temporarily override the
active status by typing the RUN line action next to any required reports and categories.
You can use line action D to deactivate or A to activate particular reports and categories.
Run Report Set
Before CICS PA generates the JCL, you are prompted to supply run-time options as shown.
You can specify the following run-time options:
_ The system or group of systems to be reported: CICS PA allows you to specify System
Selection both in the Report Set and here at run-time. An Override System Selections
option is provided to determine which specification takes precedence if both are specified:
– When the override option is not selected, the run-time System Selection overrides the
Report Set Global options only. It does not override any System Selections specified in
the individual reports within the Report Set.
– When the override option is selected, the run-time System Selection overrides all
System Selections in the Report Set (Global Options and individual reports).
_ The date and time range or “time slot” of the SMF data that you want to process:
This reduces the volume of data and enables more efficient processing. If not specified,
then CICS PA processes the entire SMF file or files. Any report intervals specified under
Selection Criteria in your Report Set are then processed normally for this reduced period
of data.
_ Missing SMF Files Option: This specifies the remedial action to take if you have not
defined SMF files for the systems to be reported (or they are all excluded).
_ To edit the JCL before submit
From the Run Report Set screen, press Enter to generate the JCL.
JCL generation
Now you see an ISPF Edit session with the JCL as shown. You can store the
job stream in your JCL library to submit from there, or as part of a job automation process.
Viewing the report output
You can view the output using SDSF or ISPF option 3.8 Outlist Utility (from the Primary
Options Menu, option 3 and then option 8). The CICS PA screen automatically assigns each
report in the Report Set a unique DDname. In SDSF, you can each report separately by
entering the question mark (?) action character in the NP column.
Tailoring report formats
Report Forms allow you to design your own reports and extracts to fully exploit the wealth of
information contained in the CICS Transaction Server (TS) CMF performance records. For
example, if you suspect that there is a performance problem with transient data, you can
create a Report Form that focuses on that aspect of CICS performance.
To build Report Forms, select option 3 from the Primary Option Menu.
Creating the Report Forms data set
You are prompted to create the Report Forms data set. CICS PA saves your Report Forms in
this data set.
Press Enter to create the Report Forms data set. Otherwise, cancel and from the Primary
Option Menu, select 0.4 (option 0 and then option 4)) to specify the
data set name of your choice.
Report Form types
There are three types of Report Forms: LIST, LISTX and SUMMARY. You can tailor your
reports and extracts using Report Forms of a compatible type:
_ LIST: Specifies which fields are reported and the order of the columns. This type of form is
applicable to:
– Performance List report
– Cross-System Work (Extended) report
– Export extract
– List HDB reports
_ LISTX: Specifies which fields are reported, the order of the columns, up to three sort fields
(ascending or descending), and a processing limit on one of the sort fields. This type of
form is applicable to:
– Performance List Extended report
– Cross-System Work (Extended) report (sort sequence and limit ignored)
– Export extract (sort sequence and limit ignored)
_ SUMMARY: Specifies which fields are reported, the order of the columns, up to three sort
fields (ascending), and numeric functions (average, standard deviation, total, minimum,
maximum). This type of form is applicable to:
– Performance Summary report
– Export extract
– Summary HDB reports
Report Forms list
The Report Forms list displays all the Report Forms in the Report Forms data set and shows
their type and description. The initial Report Forms list is empty as shown. You
can use the NEW command to create your own Report Form or you can select from the many
samples provided. We use the samples.
To display the list of Sample Report Forms, enter the SAMPLES command or select Samples in
the action bar as shown.
Sample Report Forms
On the Sample Report Forms screen , scroll down until you find the Sample
Report Forms that meet your requirements.
We selected two Report Forms for Transient Data Analysis:
_ TDLST lists all transactions, showing their Transient Data usage
_ TDSUM summarizes Transient Data usage for each transaction ID
Exit to add these Report Forms to your Report Forms data set. You can see them in the
Report Forms list in . They are now available for report processing.
Before we finish, let’s look at Report Form TDSUM to familiarize ourselves with the format of
the report it will produce and introduce some of the features. Enter line action S to select
Edit Report Form
Note the following points:
_ You can specify selection criteria in the Report Form. If a report that uses this form also
has selection criteria defined, then records are selected for reporting only if they satisfy
both criteria.
_ If the Report Form does not meet your reporting requirements, you can change it so that
only the fields you require in your report are above the EOR line (limited to a page width of
132), and only those you require in your extract are above the EOX line (no limit).
The line actions that you can use to edit the Form include I (Insert), D or DD (Delete), C or
CC (Copy), M or MM (Move), R or RR (Repeat).
_ To add another field to the Form, you can either replace an existing field by overtyping it,
or you can use line action I to insert a blank row to accept the new field. You can either
type the field name (or first part of it) directly, or you can enter line action S to select the
field name from a list of allowable fields.
We entered line action I (Insert) to add a new field named RESPONSE into the Form.
_ You can enter a FIND command to locate a character string in the display. Then press F5
or use the RFIND command to locate the next occurrence.
_ You can enter line action H (Help) to obtain a detailed description of a field.
_ More: > indicates that you can scroll Right (F11) to view more information. This includes
field length, Dictionary definition, User Field offset and length, and report title. The title
appears at the top of each page of the report immediately below the date and time. The
first line of the specified title appears on the left of the report, and the second line on the
right. You can also specify a Title for individual reports. This takes precedence over that in
the Report Form.
Our form indicates that:
_ The report is summarized by TRAN, the transaction ID.
_ Nine fields are shown in the report, from TRAN in the left-most report column to TDWAIT
in the right-most column.
_ Statistical averages for RESPONSE, TDGET, TDPURGE, and so on, are reported.
_ TDWAIT is reported in two columns. TIME shows the average I/O Wait elapsed time.
COUNT shows the average number of times transactions waited for TD.
_ EOR indicates where the report line ends. CICS PA automatically adjusts this for you to
ensure that the fields you specify fit across the page.
_ EOX indicates where the extract record ends. There is no restriction on the record length.
You can move EOX to the bottom of the Report Form to include all available fields in the
Exit (F3) from the Report Form to save it.
New Report Form
From the Report Forms list, you can create a new Report Form by entering the NEW
command or selecting File->New from the action bar. The New Report Form screen is
displayed as shown in 2-30.
Report Form field categories
When creating a Report Form, you can select fields from all the CMF data fields or just from
specific field categories.
On the New Report Form screen, enter line action S next to Field Categories to display the list
of categories defined in CICS PA ( 2-31).
Enter the SELECT command to select all categories (the default), or line action S to select
particular categories. Then press F3 (Exit).
When all options on the New Report Form screen are specified, press Enter to proceed with
creating the Form. Edit the Report Form as required. Then exit
to save the form.
Exit Report Forms and return to the Primary Option Menu.
Using the Report Form in your report
To use the Report Forms in your report requests, again select option 2 (Report Sets) from the
Primary Option Menu. The list of Report Sets is displayed as shown
in 2-32. Enter line action S to resume editing your Report Set.
A Report Set can include more than one report of each type. For example, you can request
two List reports and three Summary reports.
Select the reports that you want to edit. Using the S line action as shown in 2-33, we
select the Performance List and Summary reports so that we can use our Report Forms.
Since we previously defined one List report, CICS PA presents the list of reports for you to
review or update ( 2-34). You can add, delete, or exclude reports, or select reports to
modify their options.
You can modify some options directly on this screen. We specify the Report Form now. You
can either type the name, or press F4 (Prompt) to select a name from the list of available
Report Forms for this type of report.
This is all we need to do for the Performance List report. Now press F3 (Exit).
CICS PA continues to the next selected report, in this case the Summary report. This is our
first Summary report, so we specify the report options ( 2-35).
As for the previous List report, the Report Form name is specified in the Form field. Again,
you can specify the name of the Report Form, or press F4 (Prompt) to select one from a list of
available Report Forms for this type of report.
Note the following points:
_ Since we have not specified System Selection in this report, we are prompted at submit
time to specify the desired system.
_ The time interval applies when you want to summarize transaction activity over time. It is
used when you specify a Summary Report Form that has one or both sort fields START or
STOP included.
Exit to save your report request. The Performance Summary Reports list is displayed. We
have completed specifying our Performance Summary reports, so press F3 (Exit) again. You
now see that both the Performance List and Summary reports are active (Active Yes).
Filtering the report
You can specify selection criteria to filter the input records so that your CICS PA reports and
extracts only include the data that you interested in. Exception selection criteria applies to the
Exception reports and specifies the filtering options for CMF exception class records.
performance selection criteria applies to all the other reports and extracts, except the System
Logger report. It specifies filtering options for CMF performance class and transaction
resource class records, and where applicable, DB2 and WebSphere MQ accounting records.
You can specify global selection criteria that applies to all the reports and extracts in a Report
Set, or local selection criteria that applies to an individual report or extract. You can also
specify selection criteria in Report Forms.
We select the global performance selection criteria as shown in 2-36 so that we can
filter both of our reports to see only the transactions that we are interested in.
Selection criteria
Note the following points:
_ You can specify one or more report intervals. Transactions that either start, stop, or are
active during the report intervals can be included (INC) or excluded (EXC) from the report.
_ You can specify one or more fields and a single value, a masking pattern (for character
fields), a range of values (for numeric fields), or an Object List. Records with data fields that match the specified values can be
included (INC) or excluded (EXC) from the report.
For character fields, the masking characters % and * are allowed as well as the ability to
select null fields by specifying ’ ’ (two single quotes).
For numeric fields (Count, Time, or Clock), you can precede the From value with a
comparison operator. For example, specify >=1 for a comparison of greater than or equal
to 1. Allowed operators are:
= > >= < <=
Specify time values in seconds using a decimal point. Otherwise, milliseconds is
assumed. For example, specify 1.12 seconds or 1120 milliseconds.
_ You can scroll right by pressing F11 to see more columns of information about the fields
such as length and dictionary definition.
You can specify most of the CMF fields in selection criteria. Enter line action S to select from a
list of available fields or press F4 (Prompt) on the Field Name. 2-38 shows the field
selection list.
Note the following points:
_ You can enter a FIND command to locate a character string in the display. Then use F5 or
the RFIND command to locate the next occurrence.
_ You can enter line action H (Help) to obtain a detailed description of a field.
_ You can scroll right by pressing F11 to view more columns of information about the fields
(Dictionary definition).
We will the field TDWAIT, and then type line action S (Select) and press Enter to insert this
field into the select statement.
Complete the select statement to ensure that we only report our Finance transactions
(transaction IDs that start with FIN) that waited for at least one Transient Data request.
Press F3 (Exit) to save your select statement. 2-39 shows the select statements (rows)
that define your selection criteria.
Selection criteria is defined by one or more select statements. You can add (A), delete (D), or
exclude (X) select statements, or select (S) any to modify the specification.
Our specification is complete, so press F3 (exit) to save the selection criteria. Observe in
2-40 that the global performance selection criteria is now active. Enter the RUN
command to run the Report Set.
Run Report Set
When the Run Report Set screen is displayed, review the run-time options and press Enter.
This time the message System not specified is displayed. Press Help (F1) to display the
long error message:
CPA1028E Report Set JCL generation failed. System or Group not specified
CPA1030E System=N/A, Report=Performance Summary, Output=SUMM0001.
This indicates that CICS PA needs to know on which system to run the Summary report.
CICS PA positions the cursor at the System Selection CICS APPLID field. You simply need to
press F4 (Prompt) to display the list of available Systems. Select the desired System
(SCSCPAA1/SC66) and press Enter to insert into your System Selection.
The Run Report Set specification is complete, so press Enter to proceed with JCL generation.
JCL generation
The difference is that additional commands are generated to honor the selection criteria and report forms that you since specified. Make any necessary changes. Then type SUBMIT (or SUB) on the command line and press Enter to submit the job.
After you submit the job, press Exit until you return to the CICS PA Primary Option Menu
Maintaining Object Lists
Let us now extend our use of selection criteria by employing an Object List. Object Lists
enable you to define a group of related values once. Then you simply refer to the Object List
name when specifying the record selection criteria in your Report Sets.
To define Object Lists for use in selection criteria, select option 4 from the Primary Option
Creating the Object Lists data set
You are prompted to create the Object Lists data set. This is the data set in which CICS PA
saves your report and extract requests.
Press Enter to create the Object Lists data set. Otherwise, cancel and from the Primary
Option Menu, select option 0.5 (option 0 and then option 5) to specify
the data set name of your choice.
Object Lists
The Object Lists facility is used to create, modify, and view Object Lists. An Object List defines
a list of field values that can be used when specifying record selection criteria, for example, to
define all the transaction IDs that belong to a particular application system.
Object Lists enable you to define a group of related values once. Then you simply refer to the
Object List name when specifying the record selection criteria in a Report Set. You can define
your Object Lists hierarchically to eliminate duplication and improve the integrity of lists.
The initial list of Object Lists is empty. Use the NEW command to create your first Object List.
An Object List is a member in the Object Lists data set.
Edit Object List
You can now start editing your Object List. The example it shows a list of long
running CICS internal transactions that you may commonly want to exclude from your
reporting. For other examples of Object Lists, In any row, you can specify:
_ A single value
_ A pattern using masking characters % and * (character fields only)
_ A range (numeric fields only)
_ An Object List (sublist)
You can specify any number of values in an Object List. You can also specify any number of
Object Lists as sublists.
The order of entries in the list is of no consequence to CICS PA reporting.
When your Object List is complete, exit to save it and return to the Primary Option Menu
Using the Object List in your selection criteria
To use the Object List in your selection criteria, follow these steps:
1. From the Primary Option Menu, select option 2 (Report Sets).
2. From the Report Sets list, select the Report Set that you want to edit.
3. From the Edit Report Set screen, select the Global selection criteria. Or, instead you may
specify selection criteria for individual reports.
4. Specify the name of your Object List, which is highlighted. You can type the
name directly, or press F4 (Prompt) to select from a list of available Object Lists.
5. Exit to save your selection criteria.
6. Run the Report Set or report as appropriate.
CICS PA Report Set
A Report Set contains your report and extract requests. The CICS PA screen presents the
Report Set in a tree structure, as shown in 3-1, where the available reports and
extracts are grouped by category.
Performance reports
The Performance reports are produced from CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) performance
class data. The reports in this category are:
_ Performance List report
This is a detailed listing of the CMF performance class data.
_ Performance List Extended report
This report provides a sorted, detailed listing of the CMF performance class data.
_ Performance Summary report
This report summarizes the CMF performance class data.
_ Performance Totals report
This report provides totals and averages of the CMF performance class data.
_ Wait Analysis report
This report breaks down wait activity by transaction ID (or other ordering fields). You can
see at a glance which CICS resources are causing your transactions to be suspended.
This report can help you to quickly identify the possible source of a performance response
time problem.
_ Cross-System Work report
This report is a detailed listing of segments of work performed by a single CICS system or
multiple CICS systems via transaction routing, function shipping, or distributed transaction
processing on behalf of a single network unit-of-work ID. It provides a consolidated report
that shows the complete transaction activity across connected systems. The format can
be tailored to produce the Cross-System Work Extended report.
_ Transaction Group report
This report offers a detailed listing of segments of work performed by the same or different
CICS systems on behalf of a single transaction group ID.
_ BTS report
This is a detailed listing that shows the correlation of the transactions performed by the
same or different CICS systems on behalf of a single CICS Business Transaction Services
(BTS) process.
_ Workload Activity report
This report provides a transactions response time analysis by MVS Workload Manager
(WLM) service and report class. You can use this in conjunction with the z/OS Resource
Measurement Facility™ (RMF) workload activity reports to understand from a CICS
perspective how well your CICS transactions are meeting their response time goals. The
Workload Activity List report is a cross-system report that correlates CMF performance
class data from single or multiple CICS systems for each network unit of work. Importantly,
this report ties multiregion operation (MRO) and function shipping tasks to their originating
task so that their impact on response time can be assessed. The Workload Activity
Summary report summarizes response time by WLM service and report classes.
Exception reports
Exception reports are produced from CMF exception class data. The reports in this category
_ Exception List: A detailed listing of the CMF exception class data
_ Exception Summary: A summary of the CMF exception class data
Transaction Resource Usage reports
The Transaction Resource Usage reports are produced from CMF performance class and
transaction resource class data. Currently, file and temporary storage usage are the only
types of transaction resource data available. The reports in this category are:
_ File Usage Summary report
This report provides a detailed analysis of CMF transaction resource class data for files.
The Transaction File Usage Summary report summarizes file usage by transaction ID. For
each transaction ID, it gives transaction identification and file control statistics followed by
a breakdown of file usage for each file used by the transaction. The File Usage Summary
report summarizes file activity. For each file, it gives a breakdown of file usage by
transaction ID.
_ Temporary Storage Usage Summary report
This report provides a detailed analysis of CMF transaction resource class data for
temporary storage queues. The Transaction Temporary Storage Usage Summary report
summarizes temporary storage usage by transaction ID. For each transaction ID, it gives
transaction identification and temporary storage control statistics followed by a breakdown
of temporary storage usage for each temporary storage queue used by the transaction.
The Temporary Storage Usage Summary report summarizes temporary storage activity.
For each temporary storage queue, it breaks down temporary storage usage by
transaction ID.
_ Transaction Resource Usage List report
This report provides a detailed list of CMF transaction resource class data. The records
are reported in the sequence that they appear in the system management facility (SMF)
file. The report gives transaction information together with statistics of file storage usage,
temporary storage usage, or both by the transaction.
Subsystem reports
The Subsystem reports are produced from subsystem accounting data stored in SMF files.
The reports in this category are:
_ DB2 report
This report correlates CICS CMF records and DB2 Accounting (SMF 101) records by
network unit of work to produce a consolidated and detailed view of DB2 usage by your
CICS systems. The DB2 report enables you to view CICS and DB2 resource usage
statistics together in a single report. The DB2 List report shows detailed information of
DB2 activity for each transaction. The DB2 Summary reports summarize DB2 activity by
_ The WebSphere MQ report
Processes WebSphere MQ SMF accounting (SMF 116) records to produce a detailed
view of WebSphere MQ usage by your CICS systems. The WebSphere MQ List reports
display, depending on the WebSphere MQ accounting traces that are active, details about
Transactions, WebSphere MQ Queues that were referenced, WebSphere MQ global (not
transaction-specific or queue-specific) statistics and WebSphere queue-specific
commands issued by transactions. These can be aggregated by transaction ID, queue
name, or both.
System reports
The System reports are produced from system data stored in SMF files. The report in this
category is the System Logger report.
The System Logger report processes MVS System Logger (SMF 88) records. It does not
process CMF data and the selection criteria does not apply. The report provides information
about the System Logger log streams and coupling facility structures that are used by CICS
Transaction Server (TS) for logging, recovery, and backout operations. The report can assist
with measuring the effects of tuning changes and identifying logstream or structure
performance problems. The System Logger List report shows information about logstream
writes, deletes, and events, as well as Structure Alter events for each SMF recording interval.
The System Logger Summary report summarizes logstream and structure statistics so you
can measure the System Logger performance over a longer period of time. These reports,
when used in conjunction with the CICS Logger reports produced from the standard CICS
statistics reporting utilities, provide a comprehensive analysis of the logstream activity for all
your CICS systems.
Performance Graph reports
Performance Graph reports are produced from CMF performance class data in graphical
format. The reports in this category are:
_ Transaction Rate Graph report
This report is a set of two graphs that illustrate the average response time and the number
of transactions that completed in a specified time interval.
_ Transaction Response Time Graph report
This report shows a set of two graphs that illustrate the average and maximum response
time for all transactions that completed in a specified time interval.
Performance extracts produce extract data sets from CMF performance class data and create
extract data sets in a format that is appropriate to their function. A Recap report is always
produced to summarize the extract results. The extracts in this category are:
_ Cross-System Work extract
This data set is useful for cross-system analysis. CICS PA allows you to merge CMF
performance class data from segments of work performed by the same or different CICS
systems via transaction routing, function shipping, or distributed transaction processing on
behalf of a single network unit-of-work ID. You can use this Cross-System Work data set
as input to CICS PA Performance reports such as the List, Summary, and Totals reports to
monitor the total amount of resources used by a transaction within a single or across
multiple CICS systems.
_ Export extract
This data set is a subset of the CMF performance class data, extracted and formatted as a
delimited text file. This data file can then be imported into PC spreadsheet or database
tools such as Lotus 1-2-3 or Lotus Approach for further reporting and analysis. The extract
records have a default format that includes all the clock fields. Or you can tailor the format
like the Performance List or Performance Summary reports.
_ Record Selection extract
This data set contains a small extract file with only the records that are of interest to you.
The Record Selection Extract filters large SMF files, which can then be used as input to
CICS PA. The reduced data volume enables more efficient reporting and analysis. The
following record types are processed by this extract:
– SMF 110 CMF performance records
– SMF 101 DB2 accounting records, if requested
– SMF 116 WebSphere MQ accounting records, if requested
CICS PA commands
CICS PA provides both an Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF) screen and a
command interface. The CICS PA screen generates the batch job and commands to produce
reports and extracts. CICS PA allows you to edit the generated JCL and commands before
you submit a job.
The general format of the command as it appears in the SYSIN DD statement of your job is:
CICSPA operand(suboperand),...
Commands for reports and extracts
The operands to request the CICS PA reports and extracts are:
LIST Performance List report
LISTX Performance List Extended report
SUMMARY Performance Summary report
TOTAL Performance Totals report
WAITANAL Performance Wait Analysis report
CROSS Cross-System Work report and extract
TRANGROUP Transaction Group report
BTS CICS Business Transaction Services report
WORKLOAD Workload Activity report
LISTEXC Exception List report
SUMEXC Exception Summary report
RESUSAGE(FILESUM) File Usage Summary report
RESUSAGE(TSSUM) Temporary Storage Usage Summary report
RESUSAGE(TRANLIST)Transaction Resource Usage List report
DB2 DB2 report
MQ WebSphere MQ report
LOGGER System Logger report
GRAPH(TRANRATE) Transaction Rate Graph report
GRAPH(RESPONSE) Transaction Response Time Graph report
EXPORT Exported Performance Data extract
RECSEL Record Selection extract
You can specify global operands to apply to all reports and extracts. You can also specify
report-specific operands to tailor individual reports and extracts to your particular needs.
Commands for HDB processing
The HDB facility is driven from the CICS PA screen. It has three associated batch processes.
The operands are:
_ HDB(LOAD(hdbname)): Load HDB container data sets with selected SMF performance
HDB(REPORT(hdbname)): HDB report
_ HDB(HKEEP): HDB Housekeeping
Performance reports
The reports in this category are:
_ Performance List report
_ Performance List Extended report
_ Performance Summary report
_ Performance Totals report
_ Wait Analysis report
_ Cross-System Work report
_ Transaction Group report
_ BTS report
_ Workload Activity report
Performance List report
The Performance List report provides a detailed list of the CMF performance class records.
3-2 shows the options for this report.
Default report format
Observe the columns of data in the Performance List report in 3-3. This example
shows the default format of the report when a Report Form is not specified. It details
performance-related information for each transaction.
Report tailoring
You can easily change the format of the Performance List report by using a Report Form to
display the performance related data in which you are interested. Many sample Report Forms
of type LIST are provided with CICS PA for this purpose. The EOR marker in the Report Form
defines the end of the print line. It must not exceed the maximum page width of 132. This
example shows File Request activity for each transaction. Notice the File Request counts on
the right side of the report.
TITLE1('Analysis of Transaction IMS DBCTL Usage'))
The DBCTL User Field is 256 bytes long and contains a wealth of IMS information that can be
requested in your reports. This information includes:
_ PSB name
_ Various IMS DBCTL internal elapsed times
_ Various IMS DBCTL CPU times
_ DLI and database call counts, including DEDB statistics
_ Enqueue statistics
List Export
You can also write your Performance List report to an extract data set. You do this by using
the Export facility with a LIST or LISTX Report Form to define the record layout. When you
use LISTX, the sort is ignored. The EOX marker in the Report Form defines the end of the
extract record. There is no limit on the record length, so you can export all available fields or a
Performance List Extended report
The Performance List Extended report is similar to the Performance List report but allows you
to sort the data. For example, you can specify:
_ The transactions that have the longest response time
_ The transactions that use the most CPU time
_ The transactions that performed the most File requests
3-6 shows the report options.
Default report format
In 3-7, observe the columns of data in the Performance List Extended report. This
shows the default format of the report when a Report Form is not specified. It details
performance-related information for each transaction, sorted by transaction ID.
Report tailoring
You can easily change the format of the Performance List Extended report by using a Report
Form to include information to meet your specific reporting and analysis requirements. You
can also tailor the sorting criteria by specifying up to three sort fields (ascending or
descending) with (optionally) a limit on one. Many sample Report Forms of type LISTX are
provided with CICS PA for this purpose. This example highlights bad response times for
transactions that use DB2. This enables you to quickly analyze response time problems by
_ The worst performing transactions
_ The CICS internal and external resource that may have caused the problem
List Export
You can also write your Performance List Extended report (unsorted) to an extract data set.
You do this by using the Export facility with a LIST or LISTX Report Form to define the record
layout. When LISTX is used, the sort is ignored. The EOX marker in the Report Form defines
the end of the extract record. There is no limit on the record length, so you can export all
available fields or a selection.
Performance Summary report
The Performance Summary report provides a summary of the CMF performance class
records. 3-10 shows the options for this report.
Default report format
Observe the columns of data in the Performance Summary report in 3-11. This shows
the default format of the report when a Report Form is not specified. It summarizes by
transaction ID. The Task Count (#Tasks) shows the number of performance class records
processed during the reporting period.
Report tailoring
Using a Report Form, you can easily change the format of the Performance Summary report
to display the performance-related data in which you are interested. You can also tailor the
sorting criteria by specifying up to three sort fields (ascending). Clock and Count fields can be
summarized statistically by requesting any of these functions: Average, Minimum, Maximum,
Standard Deviation, and Total. Many sample Report Forms of type SUMMARY are provided
with CICS PA for this purpose.
It shows how you can tailor the Performance Summary report using a Report Form
as the one shown in 3-13. This example shows the performance data summarized by
Application Naming transaction ID within transaction ID by time of day. Note the following
_ Transaction activity is summarized for each one-minute interval. The time interval defaults
to one minute, but you can override this value and specify a time interval anywhere from
one second to 24 hours (rounded down by CICS PA to align to the hour or day). This is an
option on the report. It allows you to use the one Report Form for multiple reports with
different report intervals.
_ CICS Application Naming support allows you to monitor the performance of individual
application transaction IDs (or programs) selected from a menu and run under one menu
transaction ID. This is achieved by defining the field APPLTRAN (or APPLPROG) in the
Report Form. This data is available under certain circumstances.
Summary Export
You can also write your Performance Summary report to an extract data set. You can do this
by using the Export facility with a SUMMARY Report Form to define the record layout and
summarization criteria. The EOX marker in the Report Form defines the end of the extract
record. There is no limit on the record length, so you can export all available fields or a
Performance Totals report
The Performance Totals report ( 3-14) provides a comprehensive analysis of the
resource usage of your CICS system. You can use this report to gain a system-wide
perspective of CICS system performance. Alternatively, you can use selection criteria to
narrow the scope of the report. For example, you can specify, “Show me the resource usage
for a particular group of transaction IDs or a single transaction ID or a single task number”.
Report format
3-15 shows the Performance Totals report, which has four parts:
_ Overall CICS System Usage: Reports CMF data about the CICS system as a whole:
– CPU and dispatch times, broken down by TCB modes
– Performance record and task counts
_ CPU and Dispatch statistics: Provides a breakdown of the CPU, dispatch and suspend
counts, and elapsed time. CPU time is broken down by each CICS Dispatcher TCB mode.
_ Resource Utilization statistics: Each data field in the performance record is summarized
into Total, Avg/Task and Max/Task, showing:
– Count and time components for clock fields
– Count values for count fields
_ User Field statistics: Reports the statistics for the user fields (from any user-defined
EMPs in the MCT) in the CMF performance class records.
Wait Analysis report
The Wait Analysis report provides a breakdown of wait activity by transaction ID (or other
ordering fields). You can see at a glance which CICS resources are causing your transactions
to be suspended. This report can help you to quickly identify the possible source of a
performance response time problem. 3-18 shows the options for this report.
Report format
3-19 shows the Wait Analysis (Bottleneck) report. The Wait Analysis report has two
The first section provides a summary of common performance metrics, including number of
Tasks, Response Time, Dispatch Time, CPU Time, Suspend Wait Time, Dispatch Wait Time,
RMI Elapsed Time, and RMI Suspend Time.
The ratio calculations on the right are particularly useful to see at a glance a possible
direction to look where the response/wait times are bad. In particular, observe that:
_ CPU Time is shown as a percentage of Dispatch Time. This may indicate a possible lack
of CPU.
_ Dispatch Wait Time is shown as a percentage of Suspend Time. This may also indicate a
lack of CPU or that another task is consuming the QR TCB. For example, if the Dispatch
Wait Time was a significant amount of the Suspend Time, that indicates that the task is
ready for dispatch but cannot for some reason.
The second section provides a detailed breakdown of suspend time by component, such as
dispatch wait, file wait, and so on. Components are reported in descending wait time order,
thereby ensuring that the primary cause of task wait is at the top of the list.
You can sort the report by up to three fields. The default is to summarize by transaction ID.
Recap report
The Wait Analysis report is always followed by the Wait Analysis Recap report to provide a
breakdown of the CMF input data. 3-20 shows the Recap report. It provides an
overview of system-wide wait time. All CMF suspend components are reported in descending
wait time order, ensuring that the primary cause of system-wide task wait is at the top of the
The Recap report shows all wait clocks, and even clocks that accumulated no wait time. This
allows you to see at a glance:
_ All the individual suspend component clocks
_ Clocks that may be missing
Cross-System Work report
The Cross-System Work report correlates CMF performance class data by network unit of
work (UOW) ID for a single CICS system or multiple CICS systems. 3-21 shows the
report options.
To run the report for multiple systems, define them to a Group. Groups enable you to connect
systems together for consolidated reporting. This is especially useful for MRO, advanced
program-to-program communication (APPC), or other systems that share workloads.
Default report format
Observe the columns of data in the Cross-System Work report in 3-22. This example
shows the default format of the report when a Report Form is not specified. The default report
includes only the performance class records that have the same network unit of work in
multiple records (processing option 1).
Each line in the report is printed from a single CMF performance class record. Records that
are part of the same network unit of work are printed sequentially in groups separated by a
blank line.
The transaction Request Types are:
_ AP: Application program request, including Distributed Program Link (DPL)
_ FS: Function shipping request:
– File Control (F)
– Interval Control (I)
– Transient Data (D)
– Temporary Storage (S)
_ TR: Transaction routing request for Terminal-Owning Region (TOR)
Report tailoring (Cross-System Work Extended report)
Using a Report Form, you can easily change the format of the report to produce the
Cross-System Work Extended report showing only the performance-related data in which you
are interested. Many sample Report Forms of type LIST or LISTX are provided with CICS PA
for this purpose. For this report, a LISTX Form is used in the same way as a LIST Form. That
is, the fields and the order of the columns are used, but the sort sequence is ignored.
It shows the Cross-System Work Extended report, produced by specifying a LIST
or LISTX Report Form including dispatch statistics. The records are sorted by:
_ Network unit-of-work prefix (ascending)
_ Network unit-of-work suffix (ascending)
_ Syncpoint count concatenated with the task stop time (descending)
_ Generic APPLID (ascending)
Cross-System Work extract
You can also request a Cross-System Work extract. This extract combines CMF performance
class records that belong to the same network unit of work into a single CMF-format record to
provide a complete view of a transaction’s CICS resource usage. You can then use the extract
as input to CICS PA to produce any of the reports and extracts.
Transaction Group report
The Transaction Group report is used to help you understand the correlation of the
performance class records that are attached in a CICS assigned transaction group.
The Transaction Group ID (TRNGRPID) is assigned internally by CICS at transaction attach
time. CICS PA uses this ID to correlate the transactions belonging to the same work request,
such as the CWXN (Web Attach) and CWBA (Alias transaction). 3-24 shows the report
Report format
3-25 shows the format of the Transaction Group report. The Origin field can help you
understand the flow of transactions through a CICS system when applied to transaction
requests that originate through:
_ CICS Web Support (CWS)
_ Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)
_ External Call Interface (ECI) over TCP/IP
_ 3270 Bridge “two-task model”
The detailed report is followed by a Summary report that summarizes and groups the
transactions by their origin.
BTS report
The BTS report provides a detailed report of the transactions performed by the same or
different CICS systems on behalf of a single CICS BTS process. 3-26 shows the report
Report format
3-27 shows the format of the BTS report. The BTS report is similar to the
Cross-System Work and Transaction Group reports in that it is a detailed report. However,
this report shows the correlation of the transactions performed by the same or different CICS
systems on behalf of a single CICS BTS process (root activity ID).
The records are sorted by:
_ BTS Process ID (Root Activity ID)
_ Transaction Sequence Number
_ Transaction Stop Time (ascending order)
Workload Activity report
The Workload Activity report provides a detailed list, summary, or list and summary of the
segments of work (transactions) performed by the same or different CICS systems through
transaction routing, function shipping, or distributed transaction processing on behalf of a
single network unit of work. 3-28 shows the report options.
Report format
3-29 shows the Workload Activity report. This report highlights the MVS Workload
Manager (WLM) service class and report class, and WLM reporting and completion phase
(BTE or EXE) used for each transaction.
The Workload Activity Summary report summarizes response time by WLM service and
report classes. The statistics it provides are Average, Standard Deviation, nn% Peak, and
Exception reports
The Exception reports are:
_ Exception List
_ Exception Summary
Exception List report
The Exception List report provides detailed analysis of the exception class records collected
by the CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF). 3-30 shows the report options.
Report format
3-31 shows an example of the Exception List report. The Exception List report
provides two types of information:
_ The cause of the exception condition
_ The information necessary to relate this record to the performance class record on the
Performance List report
Exception Summary report
The Exception Summary report summarizes the exception class records collected by the
CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF). 3-32 shows the report options.
Report format
3-33 shows the Exception Summary report. The exception class records are
summarized by transaction ID. The report provides the total number of exceptions for each
transaction, according to:
_ Auxiliary temporary storage Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) buffer and string wait
_ VSAM LSRPOOL buffer and string wait conditions
_ VSAM file string wait conditions
_ Temporary storage wait conditions
_ Main storage wait conditions
_ Coupling facility data table pool wait conditions
Transaction Resource Usage reports
The Transaction Resource Usage reports are:
_ File Usage Summary report
_ The Temporary Storage Usage Summary report
_ The Transaction Resource Usage List report
File Usage Summary report
The Transaction File Usage Summary report summarizes file usage by transaction ID. For
each transaction ID, it gives transaction information and file control statistics followed by a
breakdown of file usage for each file used. 3-34 shows the report options.
Temporary Storage Usage Summary report
The Transaction Temporary Storage Usage Summary report summarizes temporary storage
queue usage by transaction ID. For each transaction ID, it gives transaction information and
temporary storage statistics followed by a breakdown of Tsqname usage for each temporary
storage queue used.
The Temporary Storage Usage Summary report summarizes Tsqueue activity. For each
Tsqueue, it gives a breakdown of Temporary Storage Queue usage by transaction ID.
3-36 shows the report options.
Transaction Resource Usage List report
The Transaction Resource Usage List report provides a list of all transaction resource class
records in the sequence that they appear in the SMF file. It gives transaction information,
detailing their individual file and temporary storage queue usage. 3-38 shows the
report options.
Subsystem reports
The Subsystem reports are:
_ DB2 report
_ The WebSphere MQ report
DB2 report
The CICS PA DB2 report combines the CICS CMF performance class records (SMF 110)
with the DB2 Accounting records (SMF 101) that belong to the same network unit of work,
including some DB2 activity. It can provide a detailed, summary, or detailed summary report
showing DB2 usage for your CICS systems.
The DB2 reports are:
_ List
_ Summary (short or long)
_ Recap (record processing statistics)
To produce the DB2 reports, you need to accumulate DB2 accounting statistics (SMF 101
records) and define your CICS-DB2 resources with ACCOUNTREC(TASK) or
ACCOUNTREC(UOW). CICS PA V1R3 supports the DB2 accounting statistics data from DB2
Version 5, Version 6, and Version 7.
You can use the information provided in the CICS PA DB2 reports to assist in further analysis
using DB2 performance reporting tools such as the DB2 Performance Monitor (DB2 PM).
The CICS PA DB2 List report is most effective when used in conjunction with the CICS PA
Cross-System Work report. 3-40 shows the report options.
Report format
3-41 shows the DB2 List report. This report provides a detailed list by transaction of all
network units of work with DB2 activity. Records that are part of the same network unit of
work are printed sequentially in groups with a blank line separator. A data line (column
format) is presented for each CMF performance class record. A block of data lines (row
format) is presented for each associated DB2 Accounting record.
The DB2 Long Summary report summarizes DB2 activity by transaction and program (CMF
performance records), and SSID and Plan name (DB2 accounting records) within APPLID.
Average and maximum values are reported for each. This report represents a subset of the
total data presented in the DB2 List report. It includes DB2 data that can be matched within
network unit of work to a single task, or to multiple tasks for the same transaction and
The DB2 Short Summary report is an abridged version of the Long Summary report. It
provides averages only (no maximums). Both the CMF performance and DB2 accounting
record details are presented in column format.
The DB2 Recap report is always produced at the end to provide an analysis of the CICS CMF
performance class (SMF 110) and the DB2 Accounting (SMF 101) records processed.
WebSphere MQ report
The CICS PA MQ reports use the WebSphere MQ accounting data (SMF 116 records) to
provide a detailed performance analysis of the CICS transactions that access an MQ queue
manager. CICS PA Version 1 Release 3 supports the WebSphere MQ accounting statistics
data from MQSeries for OS/390 Version 5.2, IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Version 5.3, and
IBM WebSphere MQ for z/OS Version 5.3.1.
The CICS PA MQ List reports provide a detailed trace of the WebSphere MQ accounting
records, reporting the comprehensive performance data contained in the Class 1 and Class 3
_ Class 1 (Subtype 0): Message manager accounting records, record how much CPU was
spent processing WebSphere MQ API calls and the number of MQGET and MQPUT calls.
_ Class 3 (Subtypes 1 and 2): Accounting data for each task, at thread and queue level.
The MQ Summary reports provide, summarized by either CICS transaction ID, MQ queue
name, or both, an analysis of the MQ system and queue resources used and the transactions
they service.
Report format
The WebSphere MQ SupportPac MP1B: MQSeries for OS/390 V5.2 - Interpreting accounting
and statistics data provides information about the use and interpretation of the accounting
and statistics available in MQSeries for OS/390 Version 5.2 (and later). It also provides
information about the layout of the SMF records and suggests ways to analyze the data.
System reports
The System report category includes the System Logger report.
3.7.1 System Logger report
The System Logger reports process the System Logger (SMF 88) records to provide
information about the System Logger log streams and coupling facility structures that are
used by CICS Transaction Server for logging, recovery and backout operations.
The CICS PA System Logger reports, when used in conjunction with the CICS Logger reports
produced by the standard CICS statistics reporting utilities, provide a comprehensive analysis
of the logstream activity for all your CICS systems. They also provide a more extensive and
flexible performance reporting solution than the IXGRPT1 sample program.
3-47 shows the report options.
You can request a List report, a Summary report, or both. The System Logger List report
shows information about logstream writes, deletes, and events (Subtype 1), as well as
structure alter events (Subtype 11) for each SMF recording interval. Structure alter events
apply to structures, not individual log streams. They are reported with a logstream name of
*ALTER*. The report is sorted either on logstream name or structure name.
The System Logger (SMF 88) records can be filtered by logstream, structure, or both name
patterns. The masking characters % and * are also supported.
The System Logger Summary report summarizes logstream and structure statistics so that
you can measure logger performance over a longer period of time.
Performance Graph reports
The Performance Graph reports are:
_ Transaction Rate Graph report
_ Transaction Response Time Graph report
3.8.1 Transaction Rate Graph report
The Transaction Rate Graph report shows, over the requested time interval, the average
response time and the number of completed transactions. 3-50 shows the report
Transaction Response Time Graph report
The Transaction Response Time Graph report shows the average and maximum response
time. 3-52 shows the report options.
Performance extracts
The Performance extracts are:
_ Cross-System Work extract
_ Export extract
_ Record Selection extract
Cross-System Work extract
The Cross-System Work extract consolidates the CMF performance class records that belong
to the same network unit of work into a single record in CMF performance record format. You
can then use the extract data set as input to other CICS PA reports or extracts such as a
Performance List report or a Performance Data extract. 3-54 shows the extract
All CMF fields are available for inclusion in the extract. In addition, you can specify which user
fields you want to include.
To run the report for multiple systems, define them to a group.
Extract record format
3-55 shows an example of the Cross-System Work extract record:
_ The extract records are written for the specified APPLID/MVS ID. The default is
_ Transactions are identified by the originating task.
_ Counters and elapsed times are combined to provide a complete view of a transaction’s
CICS resource usage.
Recap report
A Recap report is always produced to provide the total record count in the extract data set.
Using CICS PA to process the extract
You can input the Cross-System Work extract data set into CICS PA for further analysis.
3-56 shows an example of the System Definitions screen after you define the
Cross-System Work APPLID (MULTIPLE) and MVS ID (CICS) to CICS PA and associate the
extract file with the APPLID. Then you can define report forms and report sets to run on this
Export extract
The Export extract is created as a delimited text file for the purpose of importing the CMF
performance class data into PC spreadsheet or database tools for further analysis and
reporting. CICS PA supplies the column headings (if requested). The fields are separated by a delimiter character of your choosing (the default is the semi-colon (;)). 3-57 shows
the extract options.
Default extract record format
When a Report Form is not specified, the default Export record format contains these fields:
_ Tran: Transaction ID
_ Term: Terminal ID
_ Userid: User ID
_ Taskno: Transaction sequence number
_ Stop Date: Transaction stop date (yyyy-mm-dd)
_ Stop Time: Transaction stop time (hh:mm:ss.thm)
_ Response: Transaction response time
_ Clocks: All 65 clocks as defined by CICS Transaction Server for z/OS, Version 2.2
3-58 shows an example of the first part of the default record layout. Note that the field
labels (column headings) are included in this extract. Field labels are optional.
Extract record tailoring (LIST, LISTX)
You can specify a LIST or LISTX Report Form to create an Export record in the same format
as the corresponding Performance List report or Performance
List Extended report. Many sample Report Forms of type LIST or
LISTX are provided with CICS PA for this purpose. Note that when you use a LISTX Form for
the Export, it is used like a LIST Form. That is, the fields and the order of the columns are
used, but the sort sequence is ignored.
Extract record tailoring (SUMMARY)
You can specify a SUMMARY Report Form to create an Export record in the same format as
the corresponding Performance Summary report.Many sample
Report Forms of type SUMMARY are provided with CICS PA for this purpose.
Recap report
A Recap report is always produced to give the total record count in the extract data set.
Processing the extract using different tools
The Export data set is a delimited text file. You can analyze this file further by using a
program, such as DB2, or PC tools, such as Lotus 1-2-3 or Lotus Approach. It is an
example of a graph produced from the Summary Export data.
Record Selection extract
The Record Selection extract is a facility that allows you to create a smaller extract file
containing only the CMF performance records (and optionally, the DB2 and WebSphere MQ
accounting records) that are of interest to you. It is used to filter large SMF files. You can then
use these files as input to CICS PA, for more efficient reporting and analysis. 3-60
shows the extract options.
Extract record format
The extract file contains CMF performance records (SMF 110) and, if requested, DB2
Accounting records (SMF 101).
Recap report
A Recap report is always produced at the end of extract processing. 3-61 shows how
the Recap report summarizes the results of the extract processing.
Processing extracts
The CICS Performance Analyzer (PA) Export facility produces delimited text files of CICS
Monitoring Facility (CMF) Performance and Transaction Resource Class data extracted from
SMF data sets. The extract files are suitable for analysis by external programs such as DB2,
or PC spreadsheet and graphing tools such as Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft
This chapter explains, by example, how to:
_ Use the CICS PA Export facility to produce extract data sets in various formats
_ Use the following programs and tools to process the extract data sets:
– DB2
– Lotus 1-2-3
– Microsoft Excel
– Microsoft Access
Methods such as these can enhance your understanding and interpretation of the data,
facilitate comparisons, assist your analysis of trends, peaks and throughputs, help to isolate
problems, and generally support your decision-making about the ongoing tuning and
management of your CICS systems.
Processing extracts
The CICS Performance Analyzer (PA) Export facility produces delimited text files of CICS
Monitoring Facility (CMF) Performance and Transaction Resource Class data extracted from
SMF data sets. The extract files are suitable for analysis by external programs such as DB2,
or PC spreadsheet and graphing tools such as Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft
This chapter explains, by example, how to:
_ Use the CICS PA Export facility to produce extract data sets in various formats
_ Use the following programs and tools to process the extract data sets:
– DB2
– Lotus 1-2-3
– Microsoft Excel
– Microsoft Access
Methods such as these can enhance your understanding and interpretation of the data,
facilitate comparisons, assist your analysis of trends, peaks and throughputs, help to isolate
problems, and generally support your decision-making about the ongoing tuning and
management of your CICS systems.
Processing extracts with DB2
CICS Performance Analyzer 1.3 introduced an easy way to generate data from SMF records
in a form that it is suitable to be used as input for a DB2 load utility and to be imported into a
DB2 table. Furthermore CICS PA generates the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements
to create the required DB2 database, tablespace, table, and an index. Also the load job is
generated by CICS PA.
Processing extracts with Lotus 1-2-3
A chart is an effective way to illustrate your performance data after it is placed in a
spreadsheet. It can make relationships among numbers easy to see because it turns
numbers into shapes. This section shows how to create a chart based on performance data
that was extracted using the CICS Performance Analyzer.
Exporting performance extracts
From the Primary Option Menu, select option 2 (Report Sets). The Report Sets screen shows
a list of Report Sets that were already created.
We typed line action S next to Report Set VSAMSUM. This displays the Edit Report Set
On the Edit Report Set screen, we checked that no active reports were selected. Active
reports are indicated by a yes after the report name. You can use line action D to deactivate
the report. After that, we selected the item Export form the Extracts group. The Exports
screen appears and displays a list of selections from our previous extract exports. 4-1
shows the Export screen containing a list of systems to select from.
We selected system SCSCPAA1 using output data set LOTUS123. This opens an Export
screen that allows you to edit export detail information. If you do not see a screen like the one
shown in 4-1, then this may be the first performance extract export that bypasses the
list of previous exports and displays the screen shown in 4-2 directly.
We updated the following information on the Export detail screen:
_ Extract data set LOTUS123
_ Report form VSAMSUM
CICS system definition SCSCPAA1 must specify a valid SMF data set name that contains
some SMF records to produce a performance extract.
We used Report Form VSAMSUM. It was created during the VSAM performance scenario
project described.. To demonstrate how to create charts, you can
use any Report Form that has time or count fields.
We pressed F3 until we returned to the Report Set screen. We typed RUN to create and submit
the JCL to process the performance extract export. When the job has completed, the
extracted data was stored to data set CICSLS4.LOTUS123.
We used file transfer to download the performance extract to a Windows 2000 workstation.
The file was stored to directory c:\reports\lotus1-2-3\lotus_chart.txt. Note that the title line of
the extracted data is not aligned with the columns. Lotus 1-2-3 aligns the delimiters during the
import process.
Importing extracted data to Lotus 1-2-3
To import the extracted performance data to Lotus 1-2-3, we clicked Start->Lotus Smart
Suite->Lotus 1-2-3. When the Lotus 1-2-3 main window opened, we clicked File->Open. A
window opens that allows the navigation to the directory which contains our text file. We
double-clicked our file, lotus_chart.txt.
The Text File Options window ( 4-4) opens. We selected the Start a new column at
each radio button and selected Semicolon from the list in the text box. We had to do that
since we used a semicolon as delimiter character when we exported the performance extract.
We clicked OK to continue.
Lotus 1-2-3 imported our performance data and displayed a data sheet ( 4-5) that
corresponds with the columns of our performance extract. We create a chart that visually
illustrates a comparison of average response time and maximum response time per
transaction of our VSAM workload.
Lotus 1-2-3 provides a convenient way to create basic charts. You can set up a range so that
it contains all the elements you need to create a basic chart.
The range that we wanted to use has text and numbers arranged as in A1-C11 as illustrated
in 4-5. Lotus 1-2-3 plots the chart based on range A1-C11 by column. Lotus 1-2-3
automatically creates a bar chart if columns A1-C11 are selected as the data range.
It is also possible to insert two additional rows, containing the title and subtitle of the chart, in
front of the data sheet. The new data range is then A1-C13. We decided that it is more
convenient to alter the chart afterward rather than to modify the data sheet. 4-6 shows
how we selected the data range from which we wanted to create the chart.
The data range comprises A1 to C11, so we have more rows than columns. This influences
the way the chart is built automatically. Lotus 1-2-3 builds charts automatically in the following
_ More columns than rows: By interpreting each row of values as a separate series, Lotus
1-2-3 uses the leftmost entry in each row as a legend label and the top entry in each
column as an axis label.
_ More rows than columns: By interpreting each column of values as a separate series,
Lotus 1-2-3 uses the top entry in each column as a legend label and the leftmost entry in
each row as an axis label.
_ Equal rows and columns: This situation is handled in the same way as when there are
more rows than columns.
We clicked Create->Chart and dropped the chart icon into the selected data range. The chart
was built automatically as shown in 4-7. The layout of the chart is still very basic, but
can easily be improved. So far, we have not specified a specific chart type, axes and grids,
chart style, or chart options. For simplicity, we only showed the basic technique to create
charts using Lotus 1-2-3.
Processing extracts with Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel allows the creation of charts by using a chart wizard. You can use any existing
data sheet to start the chart wizard to create charts from selected columns.
Exporting a performance extract
file transfer to store the extracted data as a text file. We created directory c:\reports\msexcel
to store all files that belong to Microsoft Excel chart project.
Importing extracted data into Microsoft Excel
To start Microsoft Excel, we clicked Start->Microsoft Excel. We wanted to import the text file
that contains our delimited data to Microsoft Excel. To import the file, we clicked File->Open.
The open window displays. We navigated to the directory that contains the file that we are
going to open. The file is named excel_chart.txt.
We clicked Open. The Text Import Wizard window opens.
Since our extracted performance data is delimited by semicolon, we chose Delimited by
selecting the radio button as shown in 4-8. We wanted to start from row 1, which is
specified by default. We clicked Next to continue.
The next Text Import Wizard window ( 4-9) opens. We selected the check box
Semicolon and deselected the rest of the check boxes. When we selected check box
Semicolon, the title line was aligned automatically by Microsoft Excel.
We checked that the data of the imported columns appeared as expected. After that, we
clicked Next. Then the third Text Import Wizard window (not shown) opens. It allows you to
select each column and set the data format. The default is fine. Therefore, we clicked Finish
to continue and create our chart. Microsoft Excel displays the excel_chart data sheet as
shown in 4-10.
As shown in 4-10, column B displays the average response time per transaction while
column C displays the maximum response time per transaction. To create a visual
comparison of average response time to maximum response time per transaction, we
selected the area that is to be used as input data for the chart.
When we selected the area, we clicked the chart wizard icon as shown in 4-11.
Microsoft Excel provides a chart wizard that guides you to create charts in four steps:
1. On the first window, you select the chart type. Each chart type has a number of sub types
that you can select. You can also immediately see how your chart will look by clicking a
sample button.
2. Specify the columns and labels you want to appear in your chart. If you already selected
your columns and labels before you start the chart wizard, the preview of your chart may
be correct so that you may not need to change anything.
3. Set standard option for your chart. You can check the effect of setting the options by
looking at a preview chart.
4. Decide whether to place the newly created chart in a new sheet or as an object in a data
We clicked the chart wizard icon in the tool bar.
When the Chart Wizard window ( 4-12) opened, we selected a chart sub-type of
clustered column with 3-D visual effect. You can select different chart types as well. We
clicked Press and Hold to View Sample to check if the sub-type that we chose looks as
expected. We clicked Next to continue.
When we started to work with the chart wizard, we already selected the data range of
average response time and maximum response time. Therefore, the preview chart shown in
4-13 looks correct. The preview chart shows a comparison of the selected cells. If the
preview chart did not look as expected, you can click the Data Range tab to select cells that
contain the input data required.
We clicked the Series tab and modified the names of our series cells. To change the Series
name, we clicked in the name box and cleared its contents. After that, we typed a new name,
resp ave, for series one. The name changes when you click the item that you are about to
change in Series pane. We repeated these steps to rename series 2 to resp max. We clicked
Next to continue.
The Chart Wizard window, step 3 of 4, opens. Step 3 of the chart wizard allows the setting of
standard options for the chart that you created. For simplicity, we did not change anything
during the process of step 3. The chart is therefore created as shown in the preview section of
the Chart Wizard window in 4-14.
We clicked Next to continue. Chart Wizard window (step 4 of 4) opens. During the process of
step 4, we had to decide whether we wanted to place the chart as a new sheet or as an object
on an existing data sheet. We kept the default and placed the chart as an object in the
excel_chart data sheet. We clicked Finish to finally create our chart.
4-15 shows the chart that we created. The appearance of the chart can still be
improved. You can change the way the data is shown, color, chart options, and chart type.
Processing extracts with Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access provides a chart wizard that you can use to create charts based on the data
specified in a form or report. CICS Performance Analyzer allows you to export performance
extracts that can be imported to Microsoft Access. To use the chart wizard, you must have
Microsoft Graph 2000 installed. The following sections describe step-by-step how to:
_ Export performance extract
_ Import extracted data to Microsoft Access
_ Create a form based on the extracted data
_ Use the chart wizard to create a chart in a form
Exporting performance extract
After exporting the extract, we used file transfer to store the
performance extract as a text file. We created directory c:\reports\msaccess for that.
Importing extracted data into Microsoft Access
We clicked Start->Programs->Microsoft Access. When the main Create a New Database
window opened, we clicked Cancel. To open our text file, we clicked File->Open and
navigated to the directory that contains the c:\reports\msacces/acces_chart file. We clicked
It shows the Link Text Wizard window that opened. We made sure that radio button
Delimited was selected since our test file is delimited by semicolons. We clicked Next, which
opened another page of the link text wizard.
On the second page of the Link Text Wizard, we clicked the Semicolon radio
button to specify which type of delimiter we used. It is important to select that the first row of
our table contains field names. Otherwise Microsoft Access inserts a title line with generated
field names. Therefore, we selected the First Row Contains Field Names option to avoid
generating a second line of field names. We clicked Next.
The next Link Text Wizard window allows the specification of information about the fields you
are importing. You can associate field types, eliminate columns of the table, or do both. We
kept the defaults and clicked Next.
On the last Link Text Wizard window we specified a name for the linked table and clicked
The Database window opened. On the left Object pane, we clicked Forms and then
double-clicked Create form by using wizard.
The Form Wizard window ( 4-18) opened. We moved the fields we wanted in the form
to the selected fields pane on the right in the window. All the fields can be moved, or only the
ones that you want to use for the chart. We clicked Next.
The second page of the Form Wizard appears. It allows the selection of a layout for the form.
We selected the Data sheet radio button and clicked Next.
The third page of the Form wizard displays. We kept the standard style and clicked Next.
On the next Form Wizard window, we typed the name of the form and clicked Finish.
The Database window opens again. We double-clicked the form name that we
created. Our form name was Access_chart.
A data sheet window of form Access_chart opens. We can only use the chart wizard if the
form will be displayed in design view mode. Therefore, while the form was still open, we
clicked the Design View icon in the tool bar. The view of the form changed to design view.
It 4-20 shows the Access_chart form in design view mode. We clicked Insert->Chart
while the form was displayed in design view.
The Chart Wizard window opened. We needed to specify which table or query we want to use
to create the chart. Access_chart, the name of our table, is already selected. The radio
button Tables is also selected. We made no further changes and clicked Next.
The second Chart Wizard window opened. Here, we selected which fields of the table
contained the data for the chart. We moved the fields from which we wanted to create the
chart to the right pane. We selected Tran, response time, and suspend time, which should
allow a visual comparison of response time and suspend time per transaction. We selected
the fields in the left pane and moved them to the right pane by clicking the button with the right
arrow. When we finished moving the required fields to right pane, we clicked Next.
The third Chart Wizard window (It 4-21) opened. We selected a 3-D column chart. This
allowed the comparison of data points along two axes and the comparison between items,
dispatch time, and response time. When we chose the type of chart we wanted, we clicked
The next chart wizard window was displayed. We used drag and drop to move field buttons,
response time, and dispatch time, from the right to the data pane on the left of the chart.
When both field buttons were moved, we double-clicked the Response time field button and
selected Average from the list of options. Then we double-clicked the Dispatch time field
button in the data pane and selected Average.
Next, we used drag and drop to move the Tran field button from the right to the Axis pane on
the left of the chart wizard window. No further customization needed to be done to the Tran
field button. We clicked the Preview Chart button in the upper left corner of the Chart Wizard
window to check if the basic layout of the chart is displayed correctly. Then we clicked Next to
continue creating our chart.
The next Chart Wizard window (It 4-22) opens. We did not want the chart to change
from record to record, so we clicked Next.
The next Chart Wizard window that opened allowed the changing of the name of the chart
title. We kept the name that was displayed, which is Access_chart. We clicked Finish to
complete the Chart Wizard process.
We returned to the Form Design View window, which displayed the chart. The chart indeed
shows sample data rather than what we expected. We discovered that if you are in a form
design view when you first create a chart, you have to switch to form view to see current data.
Therefore, we clicked View->Form View which displays the Access_chart form view window
including the chart that we created.
It 4-23 shows the form view of our chart. The chart is displayed based on a single
record. You can move from record to record and you see a chart that represents only the data
in the current record. Based on the data you specify, the chart wizard determines whether it
should display data from all fields in one global chart, or whether it is more appropriate to
show a record-bound chart. We actually wanted a global chart. Therefore we switched the
form view back to design view by clicking View->Design View.
The chart was displayed in design view mode (It 4-24). We selected the chart and
clicked the Properties icon in the tool bar. You can also right-click the selected chart and then
choose Properties.
When we clicked the Properties icon, the Properties window opened. We clicked data (only if
it is not already open) and located the property boxes, LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields.
Both fields are linked to the Tran field of our table.
To create global chart, we unlinked the Tran field from the chart. To unlink the field, we clicked
the Properties box for LinkChildFields. When a small pop-up box opened, we clicked it as
well, which cleared the Properties box.
After that we unlinked the LinkMasterfields properties box in the same way. We closed the
Properties window and verified that the chart layout changed from a record-bound chart to a
global chart.
We changed the view back to form view by clicking View->Form View. You can customize the
appearance of the chart by double-clicking the chart. The border of the chart changes to a
bold light gray color. We then clicked Chart in the tool bar to see a list of options to choose
from. After that, we saved the form containing the chart.
CICS : Components
Domains - CICS Components
KE - Kernal
DS - Dispatcher
DU - Dump
LC - Local Catalog
ME - Message
PA - Parameter
SI - System Initialization
TI - Timer
DM - Domain Manager
GC - Global Catalog
LM - Lock Manager
MN - Monitoring
ST - Statistics
SM - Storage
TR - Trace
XS - Security
XM - Transaction Manager
AP - Application (e.g. Terminal Control, Temporary Storage Control, Transient Data Control)
KE - Kernal
DS - Dispatcher
DU - Dump
LC - Local Catalog
ME - Message
PA - Parameter
SI - System Initialization
TI - Timer
DM - Domain Manager
GC - Global Catalog
LM - Lock Manager
MN - Monitoring
ST - Statistics
SM - Storage
TR - Trace
XS - Security
XM - Transaction Manager
AP - Application (e.g. Terminal Control, Temporary Storage Control, Transient Data Control)
JCL : Management Class
For allocating a dataset, the first parameter is MANAGEMENT CLASS. Once the dataset is created, it should be saved in DASD(TYPE : 3390).The name called MIGRATION. Storage Admin given the priviledge for saving your dataset within a daylimit. Once your daylimit get expired, Its moved into TAPE(TYPE : 3370/3380). The name called RETENTION.
So, the migration & retention were controlled by MANAGEMENT CLASS.
So, the migration & retention were controlled by MANAGEMENT CLASS.